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Registration (1)

1.1 All new students must complete a registration form. A non-refundable registration fee of $25 per student or $40 per family, per academic year, will be added to the first invoice.


1.2 Prospective students may request a trial lesson in advance before committing to regular tuition. However, a registration form must still be completed and should indicate that a trial lesson is required.


1.3 By registering, you grant permission to Spark! School of Performing Arts to use images and/or videos of you or your child for marketing purposes and on newsletters/social media, unless you notify us in writing that you do not wish for this to happen.


1.4 By registering, you waive all claims against Spark! School of Performing Arts, its owner/director, teachers, and volunteering staff, for any damages, illnesses, injuries, liabilities, and/or losses that you or your child may experience or incur as a result of participation in Spark! School of Performing Arts' activities.


1.5 By registering, you agree to abide by all the terms and conditions stated herein without exception.


Payments (2)​


2.1 Private Instruction: 


Tuition payments are due by the first lesson of the term for the entire term. The due date for payment will be clearly stated on the invoice.


2.2 Group classes: â€‹â€‹

Tuition payments are due by the first class of the term for the entire term. The due date for payment will be clearly stated on the invoice.


2.3 Sibling/Multiple Service Discounts


A 5% discount is available for students taking private music lessons in multiple instruments (each instrument is taught separately in its own lesson), multiple family members taking lessons, or for multiple services including group classes. This discount is applicable providing the previous invoice was paid by the due date and no credits are to be applied.


2.4 Private Music Instruction Term Payment Discounts:


A 10% discount may be offered for "early bird" termly tuition payments for private music instruction, depending on the length of the term.


2.5 Trial classes: 


Contact us to discuss the possibility of a free trial group class for you or your child before committing.


Full trial lessons for private music instruction are not available; instead, we offer a free short 10-15 minute assessment, subject to availability.


2.6 Timing of payments: 


Please note that payment is due by the beginning of the first scheduled lesson/class of the term. If the student does not attend this lesson/class, payment is still due. Use an alternative payment method if you cannot come into our studio to make payment.



2.7 Payment methods:


  • Cash;

  • Cheque (payable to “Spark! School of Performing Arts”) - Please note cheques that are not drawn on Cayman National Bank will not be accepted for late payments. Use an alternate method of payment, if this applies;

  • Bank transfer/deposit through Cayman National Bank account #012-48724. Ensure student name/invoice number is used as a reference for proper allocation.

Fees, Charges & Credit (3)

3.1 Late pick up/early drop off fees: 


Students must arrive and be picked up on time. Spark! School of Performing Arts is responsible for students only during the agreed lesson time. A $10.00 fee will be incurred if a student is not picked up within 10 minutes of the lesson’s end or if a student is dropped off more than 10 minutes before the lesson/class begins.


3.2 Damage to property or equipment: 


Students/parents will be charged for any damage to equipment, resources, and/or premises caused by the student.


3.3 Late payment fee – 7 days: 


A 5% late fee will be applied if payment is not received within 7 days of the due date.


3.4 Late payment – 14 days: 


If payment is not received within 14 days of the payment due date, an additional 5% late fee (totaling 10%) will be applied.


Spark! School of Performing Arts reserves the right to discontinue lessons until the outstanding balance is paid.


3.5 Difficulties with payments: 


Please communicate with us as early as possible if you foresee any issues with payment. We reserve the right to waive fees and amend due dates under certain, exceptional, and genuine circumstances, however, this will not be done retrospectively without prior agreement.


3.6 Credits:


Any credits issued within a term must be used within that term and will not be carried over into another term within the academic year, except in the case of teacher or studio cancellations. 

Communication (4)


4.1 Communication Channels:


All communication regarding general inquiries or billing should be directed via email to or, respectively. All communication regarding cancellation, registering for lessons, or rescheduling lessons should be directed via the Student Portal. â€‹


Regular updates and important notices will be communicated through these channels.


4.2 Student Progress and Feedback:


Student progress will be monitored and communicated regularly by our instructors. Students and/or parents/guardians are encouraged to communicate any concerns or feedback regarding their student progress directly with their instructor and/or through the administration.


Absences and Rescheduling (5)


5.1 Notification of absence: 


Please notify us as soon as possible if you or your child will be absent from a lesson or group class. This should only be done through the Student Portal.


5.2 Student absence and make-up credits (Private Music Instruction):


Private music lessons missed by the student without a minimum of 24-hour notification will not be refunded or rescheduled. If more than 24 hours' notice is given, a make-up credit will be issued, and a make-up lesson can be scheduled through the Student Portal, subject to availability, before the end of the current term.


5.3 Student absence (Group Classes): 


Absence from a group class will not be refunded for any reason.


5.4 Teacher absence: 


Any lesson or class cancelled by the studio or teacher will be issued a make-up credit to be rescheduled or conducted by a substitute teacher.


5.5 Public holidays: 

We close for all public holidays. If your lesson falls on a public holiday, a make-up credit will be issued. Make-up lessons can be scheduled during the last week of the current term, or before the end of the current term.


5.6 Exceptional circumstances: 


Lessons or classes missed due to hurricanes or other extreme weather, acts of nature or any other exceptional circumstance that is out of the control of the studio or teacher will not be rescheduled or refunded.


Discontinuing Lessons (6)


6.1 If a student or parent chooses to discontinue lessons or classes for any reason, a written statement must be provided with at least one month's notice. Upon providing one month's notice, a refund for any prepaid lessons beyond the notice period will be provided.


6.2 Spark! School of Performing Arts reserves the right to dismiss a student due to frequent absences, disciplinary concerns, or non-compliance with policies and regulations. Threatening, intimidating, or inappropriate behavior towards students or staff will not be tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal without tuition refund.


Policy Updates (7)


7.1 These policies are subject to periodic review and updates. Changes will be communicated to students/parents/guardians via email and/or through the Student Portal.

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